Enjoy playing and learning
Here are a few game ideas and puzzles that support learning
- Randomise - a card game that is fab for developing vocabulary
- Dixit - Good for developing descriptive skills
- Articulate - speaks for itself!
- Guess Who - great for categorising
- Sudoko - addictive spatial and number logic
- Yahtzee - speed addition and strategy building
- Timeline - good to kick start thinking about history!
A quick google search should show you stockists of the games we mention. Many games can be found at Boardgamearena.com
Enjoy talking and learning
Here are some great questions for getting learners thinking and reasoning
- Why does your town have the name it does?
- What would you improve about the area you live? Why?
- What would you try, if you knew you would not fail?
- What have you changed your mind about recently?
There are plenty more great questions like these at biglifejournal.com
Enjoy exploring and learning
Here are some great activities for exploring the world around us
- Go Geocaching! Download the app on your phone and go to geocaching.co.uk to find out more about how to join the hunt in your area!
- Learn the skills of map reading and unlock an adventure – the ordanance survey kids adventure book gives you the skills to find your way to anywhere!
- If you want to go further afield: Try a virtual world tour... travel by YouTube. Start with a tour on the transsiberian railway.
- Make friends around the world – send and recieve postcards from all corners of the globe. Sign up at postcrossing.com.
Enjoy doing and learning
Here are some activities to get stuck into
- Become a film director and make your own animation: download the free stop motion amination app on your phone at www.adobe.com/animation/software.
- Live like your ancestors for a day – find out what life was like for people who lived in a different era and live like them for a day.
- Find out about how your body works: start with your heart - wikihow.com/Make-a-Model-of-a-Heart
- Bring the weather inside. How to Make Rainbow on Paper - Science4Fun
If you are considering starting out on your home education journey, visit our YouTube channel for more bright ideas to help you get going.